Forum: Community Center

Subject: Username Change Feature???

Chippsyann opened this issue on Nov 06, 2006 · 243 posts

Hawkfyr posted Fri, 10 November 2006 at 10:42 AM

"OK, just want to get something straight here, at least the way that I understand it.

It has been stated by staff members here about all the FREE stuff available at Renderosity.

These FREE services (galleries, forums, blogs, etc...) are at LEAST partially designed to draw people to the site and advertise products. WE are doing work for THEM and the vendors. Maybe the staff members at Renderosity need to be reminded of that.

Also, as far as the over 13,000 free items... Renderosity does not host them. Renderosity provides LINKS to free items, not the items themselves and a vast majority of those free items are produced by the community members, NOT RENDEROSITY. We as a community are providing most of the free items that Renderosity is taking the credit for.

I find that extremely insulting and very misrepresentative of the situation. Taking credit for other peoples work, shame on you!

If I am wrong in my understanding of this... please correct me, but provide FACTS."


First of all...Show me how Renderosity is "Taking Credit" for other peoples work. goes. **You want Facts? **

I recall the last time I mentioned that this site was "Free" and I recall how someone  site mailed me to "educate" me on how the store supports the site, so therefore, it is not "Free". I explained to this person that I'd never spent one red cent at this, or any other Graphics online store,and to me,... that's "Free"


This person went on to accuse me of "Freeloading" because I'd never bought anything from the Marketplace. Then went on to say it was no different than hanging out at Sears, but not buying anything. He then blathered about being resentful that he was "Paying My Way" around here.


I recall telling him ( was a him) that the analogy was grasping at straws and interacting and "Contributing" to and online community, was nothing like loitering at a brick and mortar establishment.


I went on to tell him that I had dedicated 6 years to keeping sites like this running, So I have "Given" in that way, just not monetarily.
I spent about 2 years of my life on staff here at Renderosity, and 5 years at the other site "Paying My Way".

I said " *Maybe I'll tell you some time just how many members and staff members (Volunteers)I was able to get NFR copies of software from developers to make sure they got at least something for their efforts. Or maybe how much time I spent organizing contests and other promotions so the membership could win great prizes.
Or how much time was spent putting out fires and trying to keep everyone happy. Or maybe how much time was spent coordinating the Magazine..Or staying up late building the newsletter to make sure it got out in time. Or perhaps the thousands of dollars spent in air fair and hotels going to the SIGGRAPH conventions to market with the developers to sell banner and newsletter space to help keep the site revenue up. Not to mention countless hours testing store products and writing software reviews.Striking deals that got the site promoted in the Software manuals and direct links in the help menus.

How about I show you the hundreds of dollars in monthly phone bills talking with the developers,selling banner adds,coordinating promotions and contests.
**You may feel superior looking down you nose at me and calling me a free loader,but I assure you,I've spent more money than you keeping the communities going as Marketing Administrator and keeping this a "FREE RESOURCE" for all who choose to use it.

Believe me,I've paid my way, just in different ways than you.
These site's were "Resources", before they ever was a store.
The store is only a part of the site,one that helps generate revenue for the site.

Oh..and you can Thank "Me" anytime for my contributions.*


Okay...I say all that to say this:

First of all... I "Chose" to offer up my services and give back to the community.I didn't complain until someone had the nerve to call me a freeloader.

I suppose humility would have been a better approach on my part, but hey....I'm human,and subject to the shortcomings that come with that.


 But just because someone is on staff, does not give non-staff members the right to abuse them (Sometimes Daily) After all..They are Human too.


We ALL contribute to this site in many different ways.. Members and staff alike. Maybe not to the same degree,but we all contribute in our own way. Some go above and beyond, while no one even notices what they are accomplishing behind the scenes.


I'd wager that 50% the people who complain about how the site is run,couldn't run a lemonade stand, let alone run a place this size and probably wouldn't last a week on staff running a community like this one. 40% might be able to run a lemonade stand,(Right into the Ground) the remaining 10% could probably pull it off with some measure of success.

I'm not always completely sure of what the motivation is. Perhaps its as simple as just wanting to follow the latest bitch-fest, and feel like being part of the crowd, without even fully examining the situation. I do know this though. most folks will jump at the chance to Slam the staff,and/or Renderosity's policies.






Maybe other complainers "Could" run a lemonade stand,( Or perhaps Kool Aid)... Fine... step up to the plate, organize a staff, and start your own online community. See what all goes into it.

Oh... What's that? You "Choose" not too?...well then...ask for your Renderosity membership fee to be returned and just leave, or simply accept the site for what it is at present, and say nothing while they work out the kinks. Better yet... Offer a suggestion in a helpful way. You catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar.


It's easy to slam the staff and when people are doing that, they are doing nothing special. It's just an easy thing to do so don't be surprised if there are no medals given to those who do.Perhaps we should think about the gazillion other behind the scene things that they are juggling, while they are putting out your particular fire.


The reason this site exists is not "Just" because of the store. There is lots of other marketing arrangements going on too.Y'no?...sometimes you have to keep those who "Sponsor" the site happy too,...and try to strike a balance between keeping sponsors happy, as well as the membership. 


Anyway...just try to realize that there is more to running a community of this magnitude than meets the eye. Try to Remember that it's a juggling act and has variables that reach farther and wider than most will ever know.




Oh...and I'll have a lemonade please.


So "The Facts Are...."...These FREE services (galleries, forums, blogs, etc...) CAME FIRST.


Renderosity had to come up with a way to pay for YOU to have this resource available to you. There are several other means of drawing people to the site. Not just your precious "Art". Perhaps Renderosity should feel insulted that you have the ego and nerve to assume that it is only the members "Art" services (galleries, forums, blogs, etc...) is the only thing that draws revenue to the site.I'm sure the person who busts ass everyday to get sponsorship from developers might find that comment very insulting.


So... you find it insulting?


Why are you even still here? If I felt "Extremely Insulted", and "Misrepresented", I'd take my "Art" along with my "username", and start my own site,and pay all of the costs involved that comes with that. (Far more than 10 bux BTW), and deal with all the headaches that are associated with running a site not unlike this one.

But then again...that's just what I'd do. Others may choose to stay for whatever reason keeps them here complaining.


If you do decide to sure to ask for your membership fee to be returned.


If it was your intent to become an artist, why then didn't you invest some time into what could likely be the most important part of your artistic career? "Your Identity(Username)


These other sites giving free name changes likely do not have anything close to the member-base that Renderosity does.

If this service was offered for free,I'd wager that the staff would be bogged down with indecisive "Artists" wanting name changes. And would probably need to hire a dedicated staff to keep up with it. 



“The fact that no one understands you…Doesn’t make you an artist.”