Forum: Community Center

Subject: Username Change Feature???

Chippsyann opened this issue on Nov 06, 2006 · 243 posts

Hawkfyr posted Fri, 10 November 2006 at 3:33 PM

Thank you for the kind words Lemur01, Some of us go way back,and we know the efforts put forth by those pioneers (Like You) who helped blaze the unfamiliar trials  that has let us to the  territory we find ourselves now.


 "Similarly, it’s not the admins or the moderators who are under fire here"


Fair some..Renderosity is some huge faceless corporation that is only out to pry open your wallet.I don't have the time now to research certain threads, (Many of which have been deleted anyway)... But you do know what I mean when I say "But just because someone is on staff, does not give non-staff members the right to abuse them (Sometimes Daily) After all... They are Human too."

*It has come to a personal level at times, almost to the point of harassment. Insisting answers from staff members,Legal threats, accusations of lying,etc. when some of these things, are plain just nobody's business.... My point was, not only will you never make everyone happy,...there are those who go out of thier way to be a dissatisfied member.. But As mentioned...Fair enough.



Sorry, what relevance is that? Renderosity is supposed to be a professionally run business.


So...I'm not allowed to have an opinion on this? I don't work for Renderosity and in my opinion, most folks don't have a clue as to what it takes to run a Place like this. You can tell by  the way they have to be explained the same simple answers over and over again...Yet they are typically the one who say..."If I ran this Place...I'd do this". Or..."If this place was mine...I'd do that .All I'm saying "MY" experience...they would fail.


People are invited to become members of a community run by that business and that fact, if nothing else, gives the membership a right to at least voice their opinions on how that community is run.


Invited? they were "Marketed here" by someone who busted ass to expose them to the site.


** Voicing opinions is one thing...Bitching and whining is another.I'm sorry, but you make it sound as if everyone stands in line politely and calmly "Voice Thier Opinion"...C'mon...It's Bitching and whining pain and simple. (Not by all...but you know the ones I'm talking about).**


Whether any member of that community has the ability to run any kind of profit making organisation is totally irrelevant.


Who cares?... Why am I not entitled to my opinion?..In fact.....I said "Id Wager......" which implies that it is my opinion... not stating a fact.


 How many shareholders of a multi-national company are qualified to run that organisation? Not many, but every last one of them has a right to voice their opinion of how the company is run.


There you go with the "Voice thier opinion" again...

Shareholders have a financial investment into a company...Most bithers and whiners here put up no financial investment's a FREE site. No one is holding a gun to anyone's head saying "Buy this cute little bunny model ...or else."



Actually, it is ALL about the store. If the store suddenly folded the rest of the site would collapse. Everything else on the site exists because of the store and exists to support the store, galleries, tutorials, freestuff and forums. All there simply to bring in customers. No store, no customers. No customers, no sponsorship or any of the other ‘marketing arrangements’. And, most importantly, no store, no profit for the site owners and so no reason to keep the site open



We'll never agree on this...Sponsors were involved in these sites before there ever was a store...sure.. the store is  "Part" of the revenue of the site..but not all....just as I mentioned here:.


"The reason this site exists is not "Just" because of the store. There is lots of other marketing arrangements going on too.Y'no?...sometimes you have to keep those who "Sponsor" the site happy too,...and try to strike a balance between keeping sponsors happy, as well as the membership."


So your saying its "ALL" the store?....See what would happen to the site if all other marketing stopped..and all we had was the store..


I'd wager that they could close the store tomorrow and offer some other service, and the site would still exist.


It's more about "Numbers", than it is about "Products"


Personally...I'd sell this place, let someone else deal with the aggravation, and invest in something that involves less bitchers and whiners.


But that's just me.


8 )







“The fact that no one understands you…Doesn’t make you an artist.”