Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Poser is for Perverts?

Robo2010 opened this issue on Sep 22, 2006 · 268 posts

billy423uk posted Fri, 22 December 2006 at 6:40 AM

Quote - > Quote -

well i have to say most, in fact all the those i know  who were anti gay and this includes most of those guys i knew are still hetro.  some of these guys were or are so  anti gay if you went with a flat chested woman they branded you gay. don't get me wrong i'm not saying some anti's aren't gay. just that i find it hard to belive the whole anti gay movement is and was mainly made up of latent homosexuals. it's a bit like saying all the anti hetro gays (and there are more than many people think) are secretly straight. as for  the flawed logic phantast isn't that what was said. all those opposed to x (homosexualty) are secretly in favour of  x (homosexuality) if not what was said...

I'm not saying that all homophobes are latently gay; I'm saying that it is not uncommon for homophobes to turn out in the end to have been gay themselves.

in fact your saying more than half are gay...or infering it with the words not uncommon. what stats or criteria are you basing this on? 

In addition, there is a logic in this case which is not present in your comparisons. In every person there is a mixture of animus and anima, male and female. The balance is different between individuals. It's clear that in some cases, where the balance is rather even, that person incurs anxiety about their true sexual identity, and attempts to repress it by intolerance. The question is, what proportion of intolerant people are so motivated? I don't know the answer to that and neither do you.

we all go through certain phases in our lives. being anti about them doesn't mean we are in turmoil about them. correct no you don't know. though socioligists have some kind of idea and they are of a mind in the main that sexual predjudice is a socially driven animal.

You don't know which of your homophobic acquaintances are suppressing their female feelings. They certainly aren't going to tell you. Either they subsequently come out, in which case you know, or they don't come out, and you never know. The fact that they behave in an overtly hetero style means nothing, since you don't know what they may be concealing.

whos to say any of them are or are not. though if you knew my friends you wouldnt think them gay. their pretty confident about their sexuality. on the other hand many homosexuals suffer from depression due many sociologists say from a by product of being gay.

The opposite case you cite, of anti-hetero gays being secretly straight, has no such logic, and no examples that I've ever encountered.


and because you don't know of it it doesn't happen. ever been in a barber shop full of gays. or a gay bar and your straight. do you think the gays treat the hetro's normally . again studies say they revert to herd mentality. they have a tendencey to try and ridicule the lone hetro en masse.
where as when they are on there own these tendencies tend not to come out.

are you basing just on personal experiences. ?
