Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Skin and Hard edges....

templargfx opened this issue on Jan 01, 2007 · 6 posts

bopperthijs posted Wed, 03 January 2007 at 1:23 PM

I like the samples you made with your beautiful skin shader. Personally  I think it's better than face_off's realskinshaders, which is too freckly to me. Is it  available for buying cause I couldn't find it in your store. I've took a look a the new skinshaders E-frontier made for Sydney, but I'm wondering if anyone there has a notice about SSS. They haven't changed anything in the material-room (at least not worth mentioning)
 I'm not saying that I'm a great shader expert, but I like to try things out now and then.

-How can you improve things when you don't make mistakes?