Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: How many still use Poser 6 -- Everyone at Poser 7 yet?

muralist opened this issue on Jan 06, 2007 · 44 posts

dphoadley posted Mon, 08 January 2007 at 7:53 AM

Yes, you're right, and I am very glad that CP gave me the chance to upgrade with their FREE P5 download.  Just a glance at my gallery, and you can SEE the difference between my Pro Pac and P5 renders (background using displacement maps, water created by raytracing, etc.)
But there was a point to that old carping.  Actually, what used to irritate me was the blind presumptious ASSUMPTION that everybody was using P6, and/or nobody was using P4 or Pro Pac anymore.  Now we have the updated version to that old presumption: **How many still use Poser 6 -- Everyone at Poser 7 yet?
Not only do I not use Poser 7 yet, but I don't even use Poser 6. 
I do wish everybody well, but wish they'd quit measuring the whole world just by their own physical selves.
Yours truly,
David P. Hoadley

**PS: I live in a country that isn't always attuned to the finer points of decorum, so if I've sounded arrogant or patronizing, please believe me that that wasn't my intent.