Forum: Community Center

Subject: Chat room - You have lost your connection to the server.

vikinglady opened this issue on Jan 12, 2007 · 25 posts

Laerrus posted Sun, 14 January 2007 at 4:05 AM

"No one is ever in the chat, so you aren't missing anything.  If you got in you would probably find yourself all alone and by yourself with just you, yourself and your other self for company :)"

Er...I use the chatroom, among others such as the ones Vikinglady listed. There were about 8 people in it the other night (when it was working :P) That has to be a record in recent days!

I've been trying to get in for 2 days!!! It's getting lonely here at work :P
Attempting to connect...
Unable to contact host. Retrying...
Unable to contact host. Retrying...
Unable to contact host. Retrying...
Unable to contact host. Retrying...
Unable to contact host. Retrying...
Unable to contact host. Retrying...
Unable to contact host. Retrying...
Unable to care about host. Given up on Retrying...
Unable to care about host. Given up on Retrying...
Unable to care about host. Given up on Retrying...

 Only one person ever understood me, and they never understood me!