Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: You know you're addicted to Poser when....

Acadia opened this issue on Nov 16, 2005 ยท 110 posts

Conniekat8 posted Mon, 15 January 2007 at 3:43 PM

... Or you're tempted to ask your boyfriend to take photos of his.... pe*** and use it for morph and textures...

...You get a 400Gig external hard drive to house your runtime andother 3D projects...

...You start running around the house photographing everything in sight thinking you might need that texture in Poser...

...You make your Boyfriend pull off to the side of the road to let you out and take 25 photos of a power-pole...

...You go to the mountains for a Christmas Vacation, you spot a nice scenery and say, look, I have that USGS terrain model (and the rest of the family gives you a blank stare)...

...You go skiing, give someone a lesson, and imeddiately get a poser modelled ski lesson manual idea in your head...

...You don't have a christmas tree in your house, but have several in your Runtime...

...You go look for a pair of shoes for yourself, and start thinking, maybe I can find a nice freebie...

...You stop sewing and start using your sewing patterns for Poser characters...

...You cancel a date because you're on a roll with a project...

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