Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: what is wrong with this pic?

RedPhantom opened this issue on Jan 15, 2007 · 24 posts

Peelo posted Tue, 16 January 2007 at 12:09 AM

You need to add something behind the fence; A landscape, moon or something (maybe an old village on top of a hill). Allso a little fog would look nice. The ground looks a little bland. Add some more detail there (dead grass, bones, candles..etc). But just add a full moon there first, in the background. I know it's very cliche, but it will work non the less. You need to make it look more dramatic. Fog and full moon allways work. ;)

 Tilt the camera slightly. Colour some of the lights blue. Things like that.

-Morbo will now introduce the candidates - Puny Human Number One, Puny Human Number Two, and Morbo's good friend Richard Nixon.
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