Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Please Welcome Our New Coodinator Acadia!

Jumpstartme2 opened this issue on Jan 14, 2007 · 58 posts

JOELGLAINE posted Mon, 22 January 2007 at 5:26 PM

Remember this--It is NOT your knowledge that is your greatest strength.  It IS your attitude!  Wanting to help people, even if you're not sure how, goes a lot further than someone who doesn't care to even comment.  Everyone starts somewhere at sometime.  Also, no matter how much someone knows--they cannot know everything.

You can always try, and you can always ask others to help.  You have a good mind, and get things done and have been fantastically helpful to all who needed it.  You'll do well.

Congratulations on your appointment!  Just keep doing what you've BEEN doing and that's all you really need to do!  ^__^/  V,,

I cannot save the world. Only my little piece of it. If we all act together, we can save the world.--Nelson Mandela
An  inconsistent hobgoblin is the fool of little minds
Taking "Just do it" to a whole new level!