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That's encouraging... I've been thinking of trying blender since forever, but I always get scared away by how difficult it's said to be. Just out of curiosity, how many menus, key presses and mouse motions does it take to add a cube in blender?
- First way - 3 mouse motions and 1 click:
Menu: Add-->Mesh-->**Cube
- Second way - Keybord shortcut, 2 mouse motions and 1 click:
Shift+A: Mesh-->**Cube
And IMO, Blender isn't harder to learn than any other 3D program out there...
First problem for a Beginner(tm) is the fact that Blender by default uses third mouse button for selection in 3d View ( that can be changed in user prefs ).
Second problem is that standard keyboard shortcuts used in almost all other programs, like ctrl+c and ctrl+v, are having completely different meaning in Blender (that's hardcoded and still unchangeable, but I don't see any need for a changes in that area).
And the last problem is that the Beginner(tm) usually expects to create a miracle in mather of minutes wihout any learning, and whan he/she sees that Blender can't do that for them, he/she deletes Blender folder and runs on some forum screaming "Blender sucks".
But that problem isn't in domain of Blender coders :biggrin: