Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: OT What's a bad monitor?

RedPhantom opened this issue on Mar 04, 2007 · 18 posts

Darboshanski posted Sun, 04 March 2007 at 9:42 AM

I guess it's also what you want and what performance you want out of it. Personally, I'd stay away from lesser no name monitors. If you are going with LCD make sure it has DVI  and has a glass front. If it's all possible try to purchase the monitor live another words where you can see it actually plugged in and working so you can see the images on the screen. If you purchase online the best place IMHO is Newegg where you can read the customer feedbacks about all the monitors they sell. Newegg also has a good rep and return policy. One could name a whole bunch of monitors that in their opinion wouldn't be good. However, it's been my experience doing this that there is always those few who have said monitors and have no problems with them getting upset you called their monitor a POS...LOL!

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