Forum: Writers

Subject: Poetry in Motion

Drekinn opened this issue on Feb 17, 2007 · 44 posts

mamabobbijo posted Sun, 25 March 2007 at 7:15 PM

As It Rained

Trunk full of memories, spread out on the floor,
Pieces of days that I'd loved through before.
The programs from plays, I'd helped stage in high school,
The shifter knob off the car, that made all the boys drool.

I sit weeping  among them, with nothing to do
Wrapped up in these thoughts, what'll I do without you?
The joy they once brought to me, the laughter, the bliss,
Pales in comparison, to a lost lovers kiss.

The rain on the roof, seems to echo my mood,
It strums out my pain as I sit here and brood.
The day is so gray as I sit here and weep,
What shall I toss, what do I want to keep?

The rose from our wedding, that once made me sneeze,
The flash of your smile, when you'd tickle and tease.
The hospital bands from the births of our kids,
Memories for auction, but I'll get no bids.

The pictures of places,  gone in  the earlier years, 
When I knew that you loved me, there weren't any fears,
The piles of our kids, in our family sized bed,
A love for the ages we were, so you said.

The days that you loved me and brought me such joy,
Run dripping with raindrops, or teardrops my boy.
I've let your desertion take a whole precious day,
The rain is still drumming as I pack them away.

The rain is still beating a tattoo on the roof,
But here bounding upstairs, screaming Mom is the proof.
That you can't take it all from me in that divorce court,
The things that you couldn't take, I call child support.

They fling themselves down in a frenzy of kisses,
I wonder sometimes, " Does he know what he misses?"
They wipe off my tears, full of the dust of past days,
"Come fix us a snack", my little one says.

They lead me back down to a house full of life,
The attic of memories, of a girl and a wife.
No longer important, as the recount their days,
They grow and fulfill me in so many ways.

I tried once to hate you, to revile your name,
But my life was much fuller after you came.
You left me broken, in a heap on the floor,
But the fix for the hurt, couldn't be bought in a store.

You left me these angels, this balm for my soul,
They have more than replaced the life that you stole.
They fill all of my hours with such unending cheer,
I only suffer that sadness, one time each year.

After crying all morning, in the attic alone,
I marvel at the sounds of joy in my home.
They fill it with laughter, these wonders of mine,
They ease the sadness, they create great new times.

I watch as they tease, and shoot juice out their noses,
I laugh as they, act out their days in fun poses.
The tension of this morning, runs away, as it drains,
We make laughing new memories, in our lives as it rains.

WOW!  Where did that come from?
How about 

HMM, " Where Did I leave It?"