Forum: Vue

Subject: Vue 6 PLE

Byrdie opened this issue on Apr 12, 2007 · 17 posts

aeilkema posted Fri, 13 April 2007 at 9:45 AM

I've downloaded it. I like the idea of being able to try it. Finally I don't  always have to wonder about what Infinite is all about. 

*You will love 6, my honest advice to you is save up and buy it, if you are a serious artist you will not regret it.
*Guess I'm not a serious artist then. After having tried it,  I know for sure I don't want to save up for it. I'm now cured of always wanted to have Infinite. It sure is cool, but for me it's not worth the money at all, I like creating scenes the 'old way'. I did not enjoy painting ecosystems at all, I did get a feeling that I was cheating a little.Seems and feels like any kid can create some stunning landscapes with this, where have the real artist gone? I'll stick to a lesser version and still have the satisfaction and feeling that I've created something myself and not the application for me.

But, I enjoyed trying it and I'm happy that I did, no more wondering about it now.

Artwork and 3DToons items, create the perfect place for you toon and other figures!

Due to the childish TOS changes, I'm not allowed to link to my other products outside of Rendo anymore :(

Food for thought.....