Forum: Vue

Subject: Vue 6 PLE

Byrdie opened this issue on Apr 12, 2007 · 17 posts

haegerst posted Fri, 13 April 2007 at 4:50 PM

I dont agree with that. Why should pictures from vue or poser not be art???
Yes everyone can learn it, but also everyone can learn to paint with a brush and paper.

And what's art? There's a good example for some very abstract pictures that sold very well at a famous Gallery, i think they brought a well 5 digit amount. Whats the joke here? They were painted by a chimpanzee. Yes, by a monkey.

Or the legendays "artists shit" (please excuse my wrods, but this is how its called), an artist placed his excrements in sealed cans and sold these for their weight in gold. He sold every single one to art collectors from all over the world. Now wanna hear something funny? Some were traded at auctions for around 50.000 USD. Want it even funnier? Due to the natural processes which produce quite large amounts of gas, several cans already bursted. You can imagine how that looks...

I could fill books with more examples about "art". Now let me know why vue pictures can not be considered as art...   ;)

Just my ten cents

Vue content creator