Forum: Vue

Subject: Vue 6 PLE

Byrdie opened this issue on Apr 12, 2007 · 17 posts

chippwalters posted Fri, 13 April 2007 at 4:58 PM

Quote - I still stick to my kid remark.... even my 12 year old daughter can do some coolstuff with applications like Vue and Poser if she wanted too. They're just mere toys to her generation and they can create about 90% of what we see here in the galleries.

To be completely honest I don't call anything created with Vue or Poser and the likes art. Anyone can creating something stunning with it, if they wanted too. You don't need to be an artist to create digital art.

The main difference between a digital artist and most other people is that the digital artist devotes time to creating something everyone could have done.

After thinking about it a bit, I agree. Anything other than pushing a stick around in mud is just cheating. I mean, c'mon...Watercolors? Are you kidding me...with the advances in brush technology and super saturated pigments, half-blind monkeys can use it. And don't even get me started about new canvas technologies for oils and acrylics.

Yep, carving a picture in the side of a cave that's real art.