Forum: Vue

Subject: Vue 6 PLE

Byrdie opened this issue on Apr 12, 2007 · 17 posts

MRX3010 posted Fri, 13 April 2007 at 10:44 PM

Hmmm interesting so we should be able to come up with say a script that creates a masterpiece at the push of a button?  Perhaps so mathematically but there is far more to a great scene than textures, and how hard or long it took to do.  I build ships in bottles and some take months while others take only a few hours, some of the ones I spend less time on look better. Time or pain is no measure of art or artistic talent.  Music is a prime example of this. Music programs today can build songs from scratch but they lack feeling, emotion, and artistic feelings.  When the machines can emulate these subtle but essential elements then I will agree but we are far from that point IMO.