HOLD THE FORT, MY FRIEND! I got it to work in Poser 7!!! [jumps up and down and does a back flip in his mind] Okay, this is what you do: 1. Load your figure, turn off the kinematics on both legs, and zero out the joints using the joint editor. 2. Export the figure (or parts you want to change) as a OBJ file 3. When prompted for your export options, make sure you only have "As Morph Target", "Include Body Part Names", and "Include Figure Names" before clicking on OK. 4. Do your dirty work in ZBrush and export. The default export settings in ZBrush 2.0 work fine. 5. Open P7 and import the modified mesh you created. During the import, make sure you deselect all options except for "As Morph Target" before clicking OK. You don't want Poser to center the mesh, nor do you want it to re-scale it or change the polys in any manner. 6. When the mesh is loaded, make sure you have it selected as a prop, and then select your Group Editor tool (button with the dot in the center surrounded by a broken-line square) 7. When your Group Editor tool window pops up, click on "Spawn Props". 8. Export as Wavefront Obj and export each group separately (i.e., head, neck, chest, etc.). I save the spawned prop meshes in my Geometries folder in Poser 7, BTW. 9. After you've saved all of the parts you planned on changing, create a new document and load your figure and then install each of your modified morphs. Also, check your Poser 7 preferences too. Under Misc., you should have the "Use external binary morph targets" selected under the Save Files tab. Otherwise, the entire process is basically identical to what I have posted in both of my tutorials (located here in the ZBrush section). Let me know how you make out. I hope this works for you as well as it just did for me! Cheers! Dave
Frohmader (Nagus)
DAZ Studio for Beginners