Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Anyone buy Daz's Lorelei for V4 - visible seams?

drifterlee opened this issue on Apr 27, 2007 ยท 31 posts

Damsel posted Sat, 28 April 2007 at 1:19 PM

drifterlee, I can't imagine what problems you are having with the Lorelei product. I bought her also and below are two images of what I have. The first is a screenshot before render and you can see some faint lines like you do on quite a few models which means nothing after rendering...the second is after a simple Firefly render in Poser 6. No special settings just set at one mark before the final setting. I get no lines at all in the render.

Kathie Berry

Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot. 
Others transform a yellow spot into the sun.
 --Pablo Picasso-