OK.... I've been fiddling with FaceShop Pro since yesterday, having dropped everything else (for the benefit of Science.... lol). Amazingly enough I experienced only one crash in many hours of work! The results of my investigation... hmmm.... The program is very basic at this stage, but promising. Nowhere near the sophistication and options offered by Face Gen, however it has the advantage (over the latter) that it can create face morphs to be used in Poser with any of the Poser figures, including the millennium ones without having recourse to surgical operations and without having to spend days to get something usable. Question is... could the outcome be usable? Frankly, I don't know....
Here is an attempt on the head (hehehehe) of "the perfect male specimen", the Great Errol Flynn. First render on the left was done by applying the morph at a strength of 0.600, as the manual suggested and using the texture that FaceShop produced (which has nothing to do with the one you see on the window of your program at the end of the operation). The flaws are obvious, but the likeness achieved is stunning. Second render is the same as the first plus Agent Hair by 3Dream --even more realistic! And now the anti-climax.... The M3 head untextured, only with the morph applied. Likeness is gone!
Which means perhaps that more than the morphs the texture is paramount if one is striving to achieve a good result. In my opinion the creators of this program should concentrate in finding a way to deliver usable textures. With this at hand and a good morphing basis --plus some dial fiddling-- FS could become a valuable tool. Let's hope we'll see some movement in this area soon... :)
"That's another fine mess you got me in to!" -- Oliver