pakled/D@M, I have used it since version 3. I am currently exploring v12. if I can answer, I will.
- HDRI support (incl. filters). - not sure, does 48 bit RGB, doesn't seem to do actual .hdr file types, but HDRshop is free.
- 3D model import ánd basic rendering. - not sure, haven't tried.
- Smart objects. - what are these?
- Smart filters (non-destructive adjustable filters) - not sure, would this be like adjustment layers/lenses?
- Non-destructive adjustable effects such as bevels, glows, shadows, gradients, strokes, etc. -Yes, these are applied in the object manager and can be individually adjusted/removed.
- Grouped layers. -Yes
- Raw photo editor. - Not sure. I work most of the time in .tiff. If i have to work with proprietary raw's I usually use my Thumbs plus professional.
- Extensive texturable brushes incl pressure-sensetivity for wacoms. - Gods, yes!
- Every single layer blending mode photoshop has. - most of them.
- Video-import. - Yes
- Clonebrushing over multiple video-frames. - don't know, it's not something I use.
- Associating files with psd's, updating when associated files change yet leaving the associated files unharmed by changes applied in the PSD file itself. - nope (grin)
I also make huge use of the object distortion tools.
Don't get me wrong, PhotoShop is a very powerfull tool but it just doesn't work for me. I also really like the integration with CorelDraw and it's DTP capabilites.
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