I got Vickie II yesterday, haven't had time to even look at her yet, is her head bigger than regular Vickie? I think regular Vickie's head is way to small- more like 8 or 10% too small. Anyway, this is what Supermodel Vickie looks like in the same lineup. I tried to make her dimentions "real" (real for a Supermodel, anyway), she has about 1" less around the waist and 1" more around the chest than the most extream of them (probably N. Cambell, I guess), but the camera makes you fatter, everyone knows that, and we guys love the big chest, so that was as small as I dared go with the default. SMV's head is about 7% biger that Vickie's, and her eyes are also moved up, so the difference is more than that once she has her hair on. Anyway, she is my version of a "model of a woman", except really more along a "model of a model". She could exist in real life, unlike some rather top-heavy creations I've seen ;-) Incidently, while we are on the subject of "mistakes", how about the Posette's low knees? Vickie is better on that, and I moved them up even more in SMV. And I'm not even going to even get started on the Posette's knee lumps!