Now finally we have a night view of the effect. Almost all environment light is gone, so this will be purely your balloon light effect. Perfect to analyze how it works!
Again its clear there's a high fall-off in the way the light spreads, and the balloons dont look transparent. The light sent throughout the balloon and shining through seems to be smooth and soft, the wires and the seams block out the most light. What u see here is purely the translucent propperty of the balloon! It's important to remember this, because emulating a scene like this first will allow you to make a good base for your balloons translucent effect. Once it works, u can throw in the diffuse and maybe specular light. I'd avoid using ambience in the textures because translucency tends to reduce contrast and ambience does so too, ambience will kill part of the nice translucent effect as well as reducing the sense of depth.
(")(")This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
signature to help him gain world domination.