Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: (OT) Google Earth

Acadia opened this issue on Jun 04, 2007 · 14 posts

Dead_Reckoning posted Mon, 04 June 2007 at 4:10 PM

Quote - I recently saw on the television a program like Google Earth but it allowed you to actually get right down the ground and actually 3D tour the surround areas.  Only certain cities are set up for that because apparently photographs have to be taken and uploaded into the program.

I really wish I could rmember the name of that program. I made a mental note for myselt to look it up on the net, but got side tracked and forgot about it and also forgot the name.

I know there are other programs similar to Google Earth, but again I forgot the names of them.  Can anyone remember the names of other such programs that allow earth viewing? I thini one had to do with nVidia.


I saw this on the NBC Nightly News  the other day. It is going to be called Google Street Corner or something like that.

"That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
Thomas Jefferson