Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Questions about FaceShop

gagnonrich opened this issue on Jun 08, 2007 · 63 posts

XENOPHONZ posted Tue, 12 June 2007 at 1:39 AM

Quote - Has anybody tried FaceGen? It looks like it is what  FaceShop is trying to be. Does anyone know if it’s possible to export a DAZ or Poser face and alter it using a photo and import it back into Poser again so he looks like John Wayne or Marylyn Monroe or me! And then would it have all the morphs in place just like it was before I exported it? I would pay $300 for that. Of course I wouldn’t expect perfection because I would still have to get the hair and the texture right but if it would be recognizable and animatable I would consider it money well spent. 

No -- it's no where near that easy to do with FaceGen.  The last time that I checked, to get a face into Poser out of FaceGen requires about 3 times more than $300 -- as there are several different components that you have to buy.  And then once you've created your head, what you've got isn't anywhere near being Poser-ready.  No morphs -- no expressions -- no body -- no nuthin'.  You've got a lot of work to do between generating a FaceGen head and getting it to be anything like usable in Poser.  What you've got is only an .obj file -- which in its raw form will load into Poser like a static prop.  shrug  If all that you want is an expressionless or one-expression head, then it might be OK.  But if you want to use it on top of a V4 figure -- complete with expressions and so forth -- then you'll have many hoops to jump through first.

There used to be some tutorials online, plus a yahoo group started by someone who specialized in getting FaceGen heads into Poser.  But that was over 3 years ago.  I don't have any links, and I don't know if they are still on the air now.

There was a better program called 3DMeNow.  But that piece of software would have set you back something like $3000.  I say "would have", because I believe that the company which made that program -- biovirtual -- went belly-up some 2-3 years ago.  Before they did, they had been working on a companion body-creation program to go along with their face-generating 3DMeNow program.  But they went kaput instead.

If you are used to doing heavy organic modeling in Lightwave, Maya, or XSI -- then FaceGen might work for you.  But I wouldn't recommend it for the average Poser user.  Not unless if that 'average Poser user' happens to know a lot about high-end organic modeling.  In which case they might be able to make it work for them.

BTW - you might already know this: the Poser Face Room is a severely cut-down version of FaceGen technology.

Singular Inversions itself tells you in their FAQ's that FG's interface with Poser is extremely limited, at best.

So, no.  I wouldn't recommend FaceGen for use with Poser.  You'd be better off learning how to twiddle morph dials to create clones.

But FaceShop?  I see some real potential for Poser with that program -- that much less expensive program.

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