Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Faceshop Pro thread closed by staff after degenerating into a flamefest

laslov opened this issue on Jul 17, 2007 · 310 posts

XENOPHONZ posted Fri, 20 July 2007 at 6:03 PM

Quote - Did it ever occur to you that it may be because they happen to care about the 3D/CG hobbyist community, and would like to see it survive for longer than it would otherwise take to drown in a morass of medicrity and self-generating drama?

I just don't see what you see.  From my point of view, this is a business which is growing by leaps & bounds -- and which has been steadily increasing its success over time.  The 'drama' part has been mitigated somewhat through the elimination of free-for-all forums, together with judicious enforcement of the TOS by a top-notch moderating staff.  Of course: you'll always have those types who'll yipe whenever they feel that their toe has been stepped on.  But such are the hazards of any job where one deals with the public on a regular basis.  Someone will always be unhappy about something, somewhere.  Ya just can't please them you please the most that you can.  And you run a business in so doing.  Not an ideology.

As for "corporate brown nosing" -- it isn't "brown nosing" when one is being truthful in one's statements.  The term "brown nosing" implies that there's some sort of a self-serving hidden agenda.  True brown nosers are also cowards by nature  (And some of us ain't that -- we might be a lot of things, but we ain't that. 😉).  We just happen to actually be in agreement with this website and with this administration: as astonishing as that sounds to some ears.  And we are not agreeing with them from some nefarious ulterior motive.  We agree because we think that they've actually done things right.......and because we believe that's why this website is as successful as it is.  Not because somebody is being a "brown noser".

Besides -- why should I squander my time in viciously attacking people that I support?  What would doing that prove?  What possible virtue would be found in constantly, incessantly, and obsessively assaulting my own team?  What good would that type of behavior do either for me or for them?  In a word: none.

But in the minds of some: it would appear that this website has done nothing positive, and has achieved nothing positive.  By contrast, when I look around here I see a HUGE amount of positive.  And it isn't "brown nosing" to point that fact out.

I don't see it as being my self-appointed "job" to "keep 'em honest": as "honesty" is defined by my own lights.   Rather -- I see it as my job to work, to help out where and as I can -- and to offer my support when it's needed.  Because that's how things get built.  A structure is not built by standing off-site and throwing rocks at the construction workers in an attempt to.......accomplish what exactly?????  I suppose just to feel like one is a part of the action, and that one has some measure of control over what's happening.  If you aren't actually in charge: then you always have the option of trying to disrupt things in an attempt to be made to feel like you're in control.

The admins here listen, and respond to the community's desires.  I've seen many examples of this in action.  But the admins don't follow lock-step marching orders handed out to them by a few. > Quote - If I didn't care, I wouldn't bother. I'd happily sit back and watch as the place slowly drowned in its own hubris.

As I haven't seen that happening: it's not an issue that concerns me.


BTW -- I don't agree with your characterization of "Cyber-sisters" -- for one thing it's the wrong gender (in some cases) -- and for another: some of us only represent cabals of one.  Although if others happen to agree with us along the way, then that's fine.

((Besides: the "Cyber-sisters" might be right about what they're saying -- it's a remote possibility.  Anyway, it's something to think about. 😉))

Those who care about and support this site -- will support this site.  That's a strange concept, I know.  But it's a construct with a certain odd logic all its own.

Something To Do At 3:00AM