Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Poser Pro

thefixer opened this issue on Aug 07, 2007 · 430 posts

Conniekat8 posted Wed, 15 August 2007 at 1:02 PM

Quote - Awwww, you're so darn cute when you're condescending!

But this you should know: I have no use for temper here... I'm just debating. Sorry if it got you riled enough to sink deep into ad hominem territory.


See, you say you have no use for temper here, but yet your argument is laden with feelings and temperament. It's a little like saying "I didn't eat the canary, and have half a yellow wing and couple bird feet sticking out of your mouth."

Pointing out logical fallacies in your argument, which are relevant to your discussion is not ad hominem, darlin’. It's a part of the debate.
Now, if I said something like, your feet stink, therefore you possibly couldn't know what you're talking about, that would be an arrgumentum ad hominem. Which is a personal attack witn no logical connection to the discussion. I have noting against you as a person. However, I don't buy your arguments. If you 'feel' that's argumentum an hominem, perhaps you;re too emotionally involved to carry on a logical debate.

Also, the proper expression is argumentum ad hominem, meaning argument against the man (as opposed to argument against the subject in the debate). Ad hominem would mean 'against the man' and without the preceeding 'argumentum' really doesn't mean much.

However, all that put together does contribute to my wondering about your overall ability to put together a believable argument.

Quote - So... if you're still curious, the reason why I don't bother posting art theory &tc here? Because I like to read them instead. I figure that between all the esoteric stuff I've done in and about Poserdom for all this time, I feel kind of entitled to passively soak in what good stuff I do find.

Does that offend you?


It doesn't offend me at all. I know that people that leech exist. It's a fact of life.
Also, I have no emotional ties to you or to your arguments, and no expectations of your behavior, so there's nothing you can possibly do that could offend me. No matter what socially offensive behavior you attempt to engage in.

However, engaging in socially offensive behaviors only damages your reputation here. You do know that means people will only give less and less value and validity to your arguments.  You speak of wanting a community, but yet you don't want to participate and give back. That kind of an attitude just invalidated great deal of your own arguments.

On the other had you just engaged in a temperamental rhetorical outburst, which is in direct contradiction to your previous statement of having no use for temper in here. I'm not going to try and figure out which statement is true and which isn't. Seeing that you don't mind being duplicitous to try and promote your argument tells me all I need to know.

It just makes you look like you're ticked off that you can't get even more stuff out of people for nothing. Regardless your 'kind of feeling entitled', you aren't. Also, entitlement is not a feeling. It's usually a legal term, and at times indicative of someone's belief. In this in your case, it appears unrealistic. Learning to differentiate between feeling and thinking and spotting faulty reasoning will help you construct a good, believable, logical argument, and it will help you build a more objective and realistic belief system.

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