Forum: Vue

Subject: Terragen vs Vue

chippwalters opened this issue on Aug 20, 2007 · 115 posts

Monsoon posted Fri, 24 August 2007 at 8:49 AM

Attached Link: Mojopac

Actually I think the Asile disk is ok....I only paid 45 for the download....I got it so I could see illustrations of what ALL of the parameters and buttons do.  There's many aspects of the editor that I couldn't grasp from Vue's documentation but to see them in action helps much as yours and jc's tutorials do.  Some aspects I simply left alone because I was used to doing things the old V4 way...the old dog, new tricks thing.

For instance, in the function editor I really couldn't figure out how the nodes work together, y'know..where to put what, and hook it to what,  to get such and such effect. Now it's much clearer...last night I spent 3 hours just playing with color production nodes which I'd never touched before. Subsurface scattering is another one I stayed away from. So I think, for me at least, that the disk is proving to be a big help.

I think, with graph structures like the function editor, it's a lot like reading music.  I play many instruments and write tons of songs but I can't read a note of music. It's like reading heiroglyphics to me...I can't translate the visual into the audio. In the function editor I couldn't translate all the nodes and connections into what I was seeing in the render. Now it makes a bit more sense. Guess it's a brain thing...

Now as for calling in I am at work.  However, I happened upon a way cool thing that makes sitting at my desk during idle times a great deal more tolerable. I took my Vue off of my home computer and put it on a 120gig Simpletech mini hard drive via an item called Mojopac, a kind of virtual Windows that hooks into the kernel of any host machine (where you have administrative rights) and runs alongside the host Windows and doesn't leave any footprints when you're done.  Now I can take my Vue with me in my pocket wherever I go. Take it to work and plug it in...take it home and plug it in. Just like a laptop lol....

You can also switch between the Mojo environment and the host environment with just a mouse click.  Right now I have open at work the same mat I was working on earlier at home.
Very very cool....

I must add that it works flawlessly on a mini hard drive but is much slower off of a memory stick because of the read/write times... comes the