Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Vicky has no Gens?

goldvice opened this issue on May 29, 2001 ยท 73 posts

Questor posted Wed, 30 May 2001 at 7:13 PM

Sorry, but Victims of our prudery? Or protective of minors and others who might use the software and not be "of age" for anatomical realism? There are always two sides to everything and to overrule one because of another is just plain wrong. Whether or not a model has vaginal geometry or an erectible penis is immaterial. The general market cannot be guaranteed to be 100% adult, nor can it be guaranteed to be put to artistry uses. A lot of people seem to forget that Poser was originally intended as an artist's companion. For budding artists who could not afford a real life model. Strange though it may seem, while models are anatomically correct, most art, including that which people so often bring into arguments like this, is not about "the naughty bits". It is about ART. Now, since it's inception Poser has found a wider audience, a wider user base and a greater variety of uses. For those who want anatomically correct, functioning and complete models. Fine, no problem. Ask DAZ. I'm sure they'll make one for you - at a price. The models on their website, as far as I am aware are for general release. As such they need to be "humanoid", as in representations of the human form. Not anatomically correct might mesh figures for finicky people who have to have everything perfect. I have seen, on the net models that are correct. They are very expensive. There are medical models available, these also are very expensive (by how I judge pricing). For the organisations using such models, they are priced according to what the market will bear. So. In general, please don't consistently and verbosely attack people because they object to full frontal nudity. These people are a part of our society as much as any human being. And in reverse, can we stop attacking or berating people because they do want full nudity. All art, is art. The artistry is in the artist, the art is in the eye of the beholder. Nothing is art until it is viewed by people and recognised as such. Please. Be nice to each other. Isn't there enough accusation, finger pointing and conflict already in this world? I do not believe that DAZ should release anatomically, functioning, correct in every detail models in their web store, primarily not because I am a prude, but because I have no desire to see them get into trouble with the "overly righteous", the law or because unknowing to them some young person using their parent's credit card unwittingly purchased a model that could be considered pornographic. Also, try to remember that there are different laws in different countries governing such things. Somewhere in this world such a model might be downloaded/purchased from a "general store" like DAZ's main store only to be found to be breaking basic laws in that country. However, I have every confidence that if they were asked, they would be more than happy to make exactly such a model. While I think of it. I seem to recall reading on their site that Vickie/Vickie2 did not contain genitalia. Perhaps my eyes blurred and I thought I saw that but it wasn't really there. In all, this entire argument is a moot point. Porn/Art Nudity/Porn Art/Art is subjective. It is interpreted to be whatever the viewer interprets it to be. Once upon a time, the sight of a bare ankle was considered erotica. Now the naked form is accepted as normal in all forms of art. The genitalia however are still listed as pornography in many countries, but only if shown in a state of "arousal". Meaning open or erect. It probably won't be long, maybe even in the lifetimes of the people in this community when "erotica" per se will cease to exist and even sexual arousal or depictions of arousal, or perhaps even intercourse itself (within certain limits) will be considered art not pornography. Until then, perhaps we could all learn a little tolerance and patience with "the other side". ??? We are humans. People. Individuals. Allegedly we have our own outlooks on life and our own minds and opinions. Not everyone will agree with everyone. That would be so unbelievably boring and tedious the human race may as well cease to exist at that point. But. Hurling names, pointing fingers and vociferous applications of the words "You're wrong" will not achieve anything except further conflict. Some people want anatomically correct genitalia and models. Great, then let those people have them. Other people don't want anything like that in their models. Fine, then let them have models accordingly. Don't ram nudity down the throats of those who don't like it. And don't ram "cleanliness" down the throats of people who like nudity. The naked form, in and of itself is an amazingly beautiful piece of art. The human body is one of the most fascinating, amazing and graceful forms I am aware of. Is it wrong to admire that form? That grace? Is it equally as wrong to want to admire the form and grace, yet clothed? Would a gymnast be any better naked than they are in a form fitting leotard? Everyone has their own tastes, yes? Well, how's about we share those tastes, discuss them like adults, and perhaps achieve something other than name calling, accusation and conflict. I personally am so FUCKING SICK of fighting and arguing. Rational conversation can achieve anything. Conflict achieves nothing. Now, before you all leap on me. I am not pointing the finger at individuals here. This and similar arguments have raged around this community for quite a while, in various forums. Enough is enough, please.