> Quote - Yes, Judy is included in the content of P6.
> All V1 and V2 textures will work on EJ (not on Judy) because 3Dream completely redid the UV for that purpose (among others.) Then...if you have UTC (Universal Texture Converter) from Daz, you can make all V3 textures convert over and work on EJ. I have many renders/characters with EJ as the base and various V3 texture maps on board.
> I don't worry about clothes very much because I am either rendering nudes or dynamic clothes that I can always make fit. The outfit in the image above, however, was custom-made by Batlab for EJ.
> ::::: Opera :::::
Actually you can use V2 texture on the original Judy and you can use M2 textures on Don. This wasn't a 3Dream incorperation. 3Dream may have improved upon the UV mapping but the V1&2/M1&2 textures worked on Judy & Don before he made EJ.
Just to prove it here's the default Judy with a little ethnic faceroom work and a freebie V2 skin texture.
My Freebies