Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: runtimes for 5, 6 and 7

RedPhantom opened this issue on Oct 22, 2007 ยท 8 posts

Penguinisto posted Mon, 22 October 2007 at 6:38 PM

One way to do it is to totally uproot and re-organize the things.

I have (literally) nothing in the program's internal runtime (for 5 or 6, or D|S).

I split 'em this way:

-old-stuff (holds V3, V2, V1, Milkids, Luke/Laura, Sp3, Mike 1/2/3, AD/MD, and anything built before 2005 - it weighs in at 46 GB).

As a bonus, the proggies load up faster, and I can keep at least some sort of lid on organizing things. It also makes things scalable, portable, and pretty useful.
