No reason for Remapping V4 other than selling new textures? I have heard that one before from naysayers, but the evidence doesn't really indicate that was the motivation. take a look at this comparison. V4's arm on the top, V3's arm on the bottom, which map is going to offer less distortion? and better ability to provide detail on smaller maps? Im not saying that the V3 maps aren't easier to use, they are. pelt mapping provides the least possible seams, which makes hiding seams much easier, but with that benifit comes drawbacks, the primarily drawback is major distortion in some areas that is impossible to minimize. the secondary drawback is that there is a lot of wasted area on the maps, requiring much larger maps to get the same amount of detail. so we are dealing with ease of use VS quality, if I want ease of use I will go with V3. for quality mapping I will go for V4 mapping, its definately more work but the benifits are definately there. try putting a tattoo on Both figure's arms and tell me V4's mapping isn't better.