An excellent try, but the face might be a little too long. If you haven't already, try google-image and search for japanese face. Jessie is not an easy character to work with.
Well done, though. I wish I could help more.
I hesitated for a long time before I added this, 'cos I'm very much against anything that might be percieved as a personal attack, but I found Miss Nancy's post to be offensive. No help given to a newcomer, just a dismissive remark. Probably well suited to her current avatar, but (IMVHO) totally unnecessary and unwanted. Sorry for that, but I like to think that this forum's here to help, not to put people off. If this remark starts a flame-war of any description I'll make any apologies necessary and revert to my previous stand of avoiding anything that is irrelevant to the actual topic of the thread.