Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Is it is easy to prepare a Poser figure for use with the game Second Life?

Angelouscuitry opened this issue on Jan 10, 2008 · 11 posts

Angelouscuitry posted Fri, 11 January 2008 at 3:18 PM

I'm just ahppy we're talking reality, here!

Coming from Proprietary 3D to Proprietary 3D, I did'nt think there would even be anything to load into Poser; never mind actual textures, geometries, and I even found the .Cr2 late last night.  So, for a few hours work, I'd say we're on the right track!  Else, here is about all you'd have gotten from the Poser/SL default effort.

I, personally, woul'nt create anything for less than about $75; a pop!  The technique I used to adapt this V3 texture to SL would have worked from anyone personal photograph(s.)  So the reality is that personalized content is on the horizon; which is all we wanted to know.  Now we will get to actually putting Us into SL!

*"characters cannot be imported in any way shape or form."

*I's imagine the game installs/requires on an .OBJ somewhere.  My guess is that replacing it, like replacing a Poser Figure.OBJ, will have the same effect?