Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: SYLTERMERMAID- Where ?

2be opened this issue on Jan 20, 2008 · 99 posts

Stepdad posted Fri, 25 January 2008 at 11:08 PM

Quote - What sells products, IMHO, is good and detailed promos. As a buyer and not a merchant, in Vicky characters for example, I look for: Realistic skin; realistic eyes; realistic eyelashes (many merchants fail here at the lashes which do not even look like mascara - just fake); an appealing to me morph which is subjective to the buyer. Daz's promos are so tiny I can't see the textures. Rendo's used to be bigger and more detailed. Still, they are far superior to Daz's promos. I like to see the character nude as I do pin-ups. I don't care about second skins because they never look real. Some people do like them. Also, if your product or scene is so detailed and hi-rez that it crashes my high-end PC, then I am going to be unhappy. Daz's Bar Italia is an example. On props, I like realistic wall, floor etc. textures. Real brick walls have discoloration from the weather etc. on them and are not perfect. I do not want to have to postwork the entire set. Vendors who create interior sets - please include lights! Not everyone is experienced in setting up lights in an interior that is completely enclosed with no "make invisible" option for the walls because the room is one welded piece. Argh! Also, vendors who make the same hair over and over with minor changes can't expect me to buy it. It's all subjective, really. Nobody is forcing us to buy anything we don't like.


My point exactly... if you prefer the higher quality characters then only buy the higher quality characters.  For me I don't buy much of anything, my own use for poser is much different than most and as such there is very little on the market that supports my application.  But I guess my thinking when it comes to a marketplace is that quality will win out over quantity every time, and that you should just allow that to happen of it's own accord rather than trying to institute some sort of artificial control over it.

Again, no problem if Rendo see's it differently, that's Rendo's choice.  But I think there is room in the market for both high quality, more expensive products and lower quality, less expensive products of a similar nature.  Just like there is room in the world for Mcdonald's and all of the 4 and 5 star resteraunts out there.  Just my  humble opinion of course, but I think in the final analysis if a there is a market for a product it will sell, and if not it won't.. and that should be the final determination on whether or not a product is successful.