idova opened this issue on Jun 12, 2001 ยท 29 posts
Kevin posted Tue, 12 June 2001 at 12:37 AM
I would like something that blew through the basics, then spent time on the more advanced stuff. Everything in one place would make it very useful. Figure creation, joint setup, comforming figures, Morphs (particularly FBM and JCM) - and how to deal with the issues these have. Magnets, and an effective use of the wave deformer. CR2 internals and how to do fancy stuff with them. Use of CR2editor and CR2edit. Good hair creation (layered transparancy), use of UVmapper. Lighting examples (5 or more), with various options showing how the scene changes when you start using lighting corectly vs the poser default. All of these need available files showing it in various stages so people can follow along and try to reproduce it.