For those considering getting the Ug license, be forewarned it kind of works but has issues. The three most notable so far: 1.Converting PW's M3 Bib overalls, the converted clothing loaded minus part of the thigh. That is caused by the original having a buttock and Ug doesn't. corrected that using UVMapper Pro and asigning the buttocks to the thighs. 2. It appears the right forearm is not being calculated correctly, it is shorter than the left as shown on the PW bib overall shirt. 3. If a clothing item has a neck, Ug doesn't, so the converted item may have that part missing when loaded. The final annoyance is converting a robe, dress, like PW's Arabian for M3, due to Ug's construction more than likely there will be a spike in the crotch area. Even with these bugs at least ug is finally getting clothed. I have modelled clothes for Ug and it is a dog.
I must remember to remember what it was I had to remember.