You should try the following experiment: Take an old poser7 scene you saved and You hadn't opened in poserpro, load it, make rendersettings for a fairly good renderer, but don't check the gamma correction and render your picture, then do nothing, just hit the renderbutton again.
Above is the result I got. Left is the first, at the right the second, I assure you I just pushed the renderbutton again.
I wrote an email to smithmicro and they told me that when you save the file, you won't get that behaviour again. And so it did, after you save a file in poserpro the renders remain equal. But it makes me wonder: what happens with the old file between the two buttonpushes?
I'm still trying to understand what the new firefly does with the gamma settings on.
Smithmicro showed me a way how to keep the gamma settings saved in the material room, but with displacement maps I'm still getting unwanted results.
-How can you improve things when you don't make mistakes?