Forum: Poser Python Scripting

Subject: Can the Poser 7 Pro feature Gamma Correction be emulated in P7 or P6 with Python

MatrixWorkz opened this issue on May 05, 2008 · 61 posts

bagginsbill posted Thu, 15 May 2008 at 5:10 PM

So you want realistic gold - instead of gold lame? Because the lame shader renders like gold cloth, not gold metal, on purpose. I was very careful to match the silky look of gold cloth.

If you want real gold metal, with gamma correction, that is easy.

Here ya go.

Simon's shirt is using the shader shown in the material editor. That is a gamma correcting gold metal shader.

His pants are the original Gold2 from the lame pack. They look very different from gold metal, and that is on purpose.

The wall behind him is also using the same gold metal shader, but I changed the yellow to an orange, and decreased the amount of reflection by putting a darker gray in Inner_Color of the Edge_Blend node. It looks like copper colored glass.

The pole has the Silver shader from the lame pack. It works well as a brushed metal shader, such as you would see in a lacquered aluminum.

You'll have to render with raytracing and have a full surrounding environment. All of what you see in gold metal is reflections. You must have something interesting to reflect in every direction.

Renderosity forum reply notifications are wonky. If I read a follow-up in a thread, but I don't myself reply, then notifications no longer happen AT ALL on that thread. So if I seem to be ignoring a question, that's why. (Updated September 23, 2019)