Forum: Photography

Subject: Artistic/Creative People See Life In A Different Way..true or not true?

TomDart opened this issue on Jun 13, 2008 · 18 posts

TomDart posted Mon, 16 June 2008 at 7:12 PM

As Rich said above:

' I'm sure an artistically minded person feels love in the same way as a non artistic person... yet i think what you are getting at is the appreciation of life in it's aesthetic beauty (flowers, a summer breeze and even a melancholic bitter-sweet view on tragedy) rather than life itself.  A more "thoughtful" approach to what life is rather than acceptance and experience of our state of being perhaps.'

And, I will insert more profound or less profound drivel. : )   First of all, I have tried to avoid the word "artist" and open a can of worms of definitions.  I allude to the artistically/creatively inclined, and of creativity more inclined to the arts stemming from life and imagination.

Take for instance the consumate craftsman, the one who produces the perfect object.  This person may be the sort who does this from a design provided.  "Give me the plans and I will do it very well" and indeed they do.  Give the same person a blank canvas and a pallate of paints, or a pile of seasoned lumber and no painting is done and no cabinet is made.  The creative part is somewhere down the street.

Watch a child in a arts class or one at home who starts to show individual thinking and wants to do and make things original or at least first to them.  Provide some guidence and approval and that child may well develop artistically when creativity is free and allowed.   How many folks go to Nashville, Tennessee with a book of songs wanting to be published and wind up with nothing...I don't know. Perhaps their creative sides need direction beyond that particular culture.

In the least, they do see life in a way which has a drive to express and to use the blank canvas.  Somewhere in their mind is a means of filling the canvas...imagination and appreciation the consumate copy artist does not have in his bag.

I do believe artiistically/cleatively inclined persons do see life and nature differently in some ways than the others.  These folks may not have found a means to express those drives and may be the terrible craftsman at the task, yet find something in life they enjoy and something not missed by those who do not see what is around them and inside their thoughts in that ethreal, floating in the ethers way (with out better definition) the artistically/ creative inclined person may possess.  

Ok, now I have confused myself and need to take a creative respite.         Tom.