Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: OT: you go, sulu!

dorkmcgork opened this issue on Jun 17, 2008 · 117 posts

megalodon posted Wed, 18 June 2008 at 3:12 PM

Quote - Do I think the Bible is dated? No. Furthermore, I believe the more we stray from God and the Bible as a nation, the worse our society becomes. Don't believe me? Take a really close look at what has been happening the last forty years.

The Bible is not only dated (i.e. role of women) but it is also VERY flawed. There are MANY versions of the Bible and there are THOUSANDS of errors - both intentional and unintentional - in the Bible. There are several books - by Christians, Evangelicals and others - that point these items out. We are NOT talking about laypeople writing books, but Biblical Scholars!! Read "Misquoting Jesus" to get a real idea as to what these changes are. Anyone who believes that the Bible is the inerrant word of God really does not know how the Bible came to be and how it got to where it is now.

And have you actually stopped to think (before you stated about the last 40 years) that lifestyles have changed considerably? How many mothers stayed at home 40 years ago? How many did in the 80's? How many today? Perhaps it could have something to do with that? Parents today want their schools to teach their kids everything rather than take on that responsibility themselves. To say that it is because we have strayed from God is very sad. You don't need a god to teach morality.

Quote - Maybe if you just got on with your life and stopped demanding everyone treat you special because you're gay or whatever then folks would be so worried about it. 

Well Marque, it's BECAUSE people will not allow them to be treated "normally." haven't you read the thread? If same sex couples were actually treated the same as their heterosexual counterparts, we would not be having this discussion. Do you honestly think that they want to be treated special? That's not it AT ALL. They just want the same rights and privileges that EVERYONE ELSE HAS.

Quote -  It is a LIFESTYLE no matter how you look at it. I don't insist that you live your life according to my rules, please stop demanding that I live according to your rules. I don't have parades to validate my sexual preference, don't know why gays feel they are so special because that is the lifestyle they have chosen. Get over yourselves, you are not that special.

So it is YOUR contention that they have chosen this lifestyle? It's not genetic? They have chosen to be harassed rather than take the easier "heterosexual route?" Yeah....   right. These people are NOT demanding that YOU live by their rules - they just want to live by the same rules that YOU do. But since YOUR rules do not allow them to marry, obviously they MUST make some noise to try to change the rules. Understand?

Quote - Ex-Gays
Perhaps the biggest arguments against the “born that way” mantra are the many men and women who have changed. The process is often difficult and takes a long time and careful, loving therapy. When the foundational causes of the same-sex attraction are addressed and dealt with, however, significant numbers of once-homosexuals have become heterosexual. They have been freed from something that was a chain around their necks and hearts, and have rejoiced in becoming whole.

Obviously you are not an expert but are quoting others. Taking pieces from here and there does not help. Obviously there are same-sex attractions not based on genetics - some are from child abuse. So in essense they were not "born" gay. But then you are lumping all homosexuals together. Regardless if it IS a choice or IS genetic, consenting adults should be allowed to marry - it does not hurt anyone in doing so.

There are SO many people who want to impose THEIR will on others, it simply boggles my mind. By allowing same-sex couples to marry, they are NOT imposing their will on ANYONE, but just want the same as every heterosexual. The ONLY reall reason people are against it IS religious. And in this country, that should not fly. This will more then likely end up at the Supreme Court and hopefully the Constitution will prevail and allow EVERYONE equal rights.