ah... for the good old days when life was simple
- no mass confusion about which cell phone with what features and what plans to get, and then worry about a massive bill... all the phones came from Ma Bell, and you had a choice of colors, as long as black was ok.
- Phone numbers started with letters identifying what part of town you lived in... no area codes, international codes, just tell the actual live operator what city, state or country you wanted. The farther away the city you called, the louder you had to talk. ;)
- If the car broke, you could actually fix it yourself, and it ran even if you couldn't get quite all of the parts back into it. All you needed was a few wrenches, a timing light, a hammer and the right swear words.
- You couldn't work 7 days a week, because everything was closed on Sundays.
- TV's could actually be repaired... by people who actually came to your house! 3 networks and PBS, and they "signed off" at midnight or 1AM. And there were no infomercials!
- Movies were seen at theaters only. Kids could not play their favorite film repeatedly, sending their parents into twitching fits.
- Mail was something written on nice paper and sent with a 4¢ stamp. I can't recall any of that mail containing a virus.
- People drank water that came out of their kitchen tap. Who would actually buy water at the store to drink?!! Perrier was around, but only models and movie stars drank that.
All that being said, I can't wait for compressed-air driven cars, TV "screens" that are an entire wall, computers with no moving parts, and an all-in-one device that is computer,/phone/ banking interface/camera that folds up and is worn like a bracelet.