Please cure this bug in IK-chain handling. The image shows my Sea Patrol man firing my ray-gun model, this time raised so he is using its sighting scope. To make aiming the gun easier, I parent it to his chest and set both his arms IK-on and IK-parent his hands to the main oart of the gun. OK as long as he was firing with the gun at chest level. But when I raised the gun to as in this image, his right wrish shattered, as in the red square in the inset. But when I switched his arm to IK-off, his wrist healed as in the main image. And when I switched his right arm to IK-on again, the wrist shattered again. It seems that when making the screen image, and IK is on, the x y z angles of the joint rHand-rForearm must be calculated afresh each time from the x y z angles of the false-joint between his rHand and the gun. And sometimes in all this trigonometry Poser gets the result 360 degrees or 720 degrees wrong, grossly distorting the joint structure. I had similar occurrences before. Unless both parts involved in the joint are rigid, it would be useful if the results could be set to between plus and minus 180 deg,