Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: problem with dress moving when a mat-pose is applied.

markschum opened this issue on Nov 24, 2008 · 29 posts

JoEtzold posted Thu, 04 December 2008 at 12:57 PM

Sanbie, I think I have that problem sorted out ...

I did the radical method according to the old rule "All not paying rent has to go out"

I took your hooded winterwear - jacket and pants - as example.

First eliminated all that geometrie in the both goal props as also the morphs (value parms) in that both. But only the geo and the morph's not that actors as such !

Second all the actors came out which are not needed. So for the jacket you have geometries for forearms over breast to hip and neck plus head. For correct posing you need 1 more actor at each border so hands and tighs remain also. This is cause a moved child, e.g. tight, is influencing aslo his parent, in this example hip. Shins for example are useless cause tight has no geo to be influenced.
So following this guide in jacket all shin and toe actor are eliminated, in the pants toe actors and all above chest (last geo is in abdomen), e.g. collar, shoulder, forearm, hand, neck and head, is obsolate. Doing so you need to erase in 3 areas, first there the geo-references stand in the top region. In the middle all that actor definitions completely and rather at the end all respective welding informations.
Additional you have to find in the borderparts the respective joint and smooth parameters.
Fore example the now gone shins (in jacket) have such parameters in the tight actors. After deleting the shin actors you should easily find them if you search for "shin" with the text editor.
Eliminate these parameter blocks complete but only this so don't touch the rest of the tight actor.

This up to now seem to be more of cosmetic value but otherhand all useless things in such definitions need memory to be loaded and also time while poser is recalculating his figures if xou move them. If you see the "fater" ladies like V3 or V4 (compared to P4 Posette) and the biger and biger becoming cloth figures (morphs !!) and also the needed props and figures for a scenery then you know that poser is  pleased  about all useless things it's needs not to load and calculate.

So while doing so I found at the end of the welding section the definition of the "inkyChains" and thats the real point of all the annoyance.

That inkychains are the definitions for the inverse kinematic. This is not really neccessary for any conforming clothing. The main sense of the IK is to pose and/or animated easier. So you need only to move foot ... shin and tight follow accordingly. Without IK you have to pose all 3 separately. But no conformed clothing will be moved by itself. You move it's parent figure and the clothing follows. In that way the inkychain in the clothing is useless.
Ok, might be you want to have a empty shirt walking ... :sneaky: ... but also than it's better to conform it to a master figure and make that invisible.

So I first tried to stop that IK via unchecking in the poser menu ... it worked !!! The movement by matposes was gone. (see image) Also you might see the small difference if only conformed with IK on or off.
But this solution is only temporary. Although there is the first parameter in the inkychain definition (on or off) that should correspond to the checkmarks in menu. But it doesn't work. Poser somethere sets that IK's by default legs ON and arms OFF and the settings from the CR2 are ignored. For Example the original DAZ V4 CR2 comes with all inky's OFF but after loading V4 the default is set with legs ON.

So the only longtime solution is deleting the inkychains completely from the CR2.
If doing so also the "inkyparent" and "noninkyparent" parameters might be killed in the CR2.
These parameters are defined in the goal actors of the IK, the foots and hands.

B.t.w. referencing "Secrets of figure creation with Poser 5" (the best and only ?? book covering this theme) that inkyparents are foreseen that a moving of the figure by BODY with IK on lets the hand and/or foots goes with that movement and the figure is placed total, not that the IK goals keep left. So normally the inkyparent should be BODY and the noninkyparent the normal next actor, e.g. the shin for a foot.

In your CR2 both the inkyparent AND the noninkyparent are set to the same, the next actor.
If looking on my image you see the difference if using a matpose the first time.

Now I believe that this should solve that problem for ever ... ok, up to the next poser release ... but show me any bugfree software ... :tt2:

But it's not a Poser 7 bug !!! This also happens in Poser 6 in the absolut same manner, might be also in P5, didn't try that.

If you ask why, I don't know but as software developer I think that poser each time you change something has to recalculate a lot internal. If the material is change it has to go throu the complete figures geometrie to map new textures correctly. In this procedure there must be a flaw in connection with IK AND the legs or feet cause that effect doesn't happen with the arms and hands. So it's not the IK procedure as such but something in there if called for the legs.
If I would be the beta tester I would give this advise to the programmer and if I would be the programmer than I would know where to search.
But my experience with hotlines and/or helpdesks of all levels are such worse that I don't while away my time to report such things ... either I find a workaround or have to live with until next update. My last try with such a theme is 3 years back and lasted for 1 year and in the end the hotline gave me a brandnew workaround ... yeah, it worked but I did so by myself 1 year back as the bug occured. If I had waited so long my customer had been gone and my earnings had been buried ... 👎

I hope this might help you out .. so not need to delete all, only some small text editor work.
If you want the edited CR2's please give me a PM with a e-mail address where I shall post them.

Cheers Jo