Forum: Vue

Subject: the perfect Vue computer

FCLittle opened this issue on Feb 26, 2009 · 90 posts

silverblade33 posted Sat, 04 April 2009 at 8:33 PM

hehe heyas ;)

majority of Vue users are Joe Public, not pros, and E-On better remember that (regarding the utterly asinine price Vue has reached for it's more "complete", ha what irony!!, versions. Damn foolish of them to push Vue's price that high, sigh.)

Most folk are not computer experts. It takes folk time to learn about them, many folk don't want to learn that stuff, in fact why should they have to at all?! Ever asked yourself that?
All they (Joe Public) should need is just enough to deal with their computers, they want the "meat and potatoes", not digging the damn things up or slaughtering 'em! hehe

It's ridiculous really, that you have to spend so much hassle getting a good computer, setting it up right, spending so much money...bah, bloody stupid, no wonder many pople preffer consoles, phones and other systems for their games, browsing etc.

Someone may come along with a much better, cheaper system and blow the Mac and PC world's to hell and gone, and good thing too! Long as it runs Vue I'd be happy ;)

MACs used to dominate graphics for 2 reasons:
standardized colour system
Not been that way for a while though.

"Mediocrity" ... hello, I've got news for you, Her Majesty the Queen, dictators, presidents and everyone else: we're all Human, we all have the same biological processes.
So elitism be damned, we all need to poo! :p

A computer is just a tool, nothing "Individual" about it, unless you have sat down and built one yourself from a Millenium Falcon toy, or some such (In which case, well bloody done, mate!).
It's what you DO with a tool that makes it individual, it's what you do in life that earns respect, not what computer you own, clothes you wear or any such like frippery.

I don't mind if folk love MACs, hey knock yerself out, if you're happy, great! :)

But until someone can knock Microsnot into the dustbin, which I wouldn't mind at all, AND gave us a free, stable, secure OS that will work with our apps....we're stuck.

Alas, like it or not, Microsnot set a standard around which a coherent system could evolve. Apple had a silly closed in monopoly that damn near wiped them out years ago, "exclusivity" = mass extinction at some point, as history teaches us :D

Today, what we all need, ALL  of us, is a free, stable, secure, fast, effcient OS, that works with MS products and that can evolve with hardware improvements.

It's a rip off that we have to pay for an OS, something which you simply cannot do without, and which the 2 monopolies have made a shambollick mess of, compared to the openess of the Linux crowd.
I don't use Linux, I want as little hassle as possible, and as much compatability as possible. Otherwise I'd be all over it like a rash! Linux does indeed show the way.

renders up a scene of a giant airship dropping hundreds of tons of poo on Microsoft and Apple HQs! :tt2:

So me, as an "individual", I don't like any of the monopolies, but I'll use what works and is cheap.
Yes I'm cheap, damn right I'm cheap!! Because I don't have much money, and what I do have I'll spend on Vue and content, rather than an extra £500 to £2000 on a MAC! :lol:
Man, £1400 for 64 bit Vista rig with 8 gigs was a PIA to pay, but, it is a huge improvement.

If Blender was like Vue, I'd be all over that, too. But it's about as much fun to use as covering yourself in chocolate and kicking your toe up a hungry hippopotamus's bum! :D

And now, for something completely different!

On a less silly note...have you or anyone else compared an Apple 8 core, versus a dual Xeon i7 for render speeds? :)

"I'd rather be a Fool who believes in Dragons, Than a King who believes in Nothing!"
Free tutorials, Vue & Bryce materials, Bryce Skies, models, D&D items, stories.
Tutorials on Poser imports to Vue/Bryce, Postwork, Vue rendering/lighting, etc etc!