FCLittle opened this issue on Feb 26, 2009 · 90 posts
silverblade33 posted Mon, 06 April 2009 at 9:39 PM
Guys, like it or not, here, where I live, getting or repairing a MAC is much harder and more expensive to do than for a PC. That is reality! :) In the end it's the reality that's important.
I can go to dozens of shops in my locale who sell and fix PCs, NONE of them do MACs, nearest as said is 30 miles away
though hm, a PCworld 15 miles away may sell MACs..
checks online, they don't sell Mac Pros though only have iMACs and MACbooks
I just chekced their prices... iMAC costs almost £1000, where as a good PCs starts at £450..that's what real people they see when they go to buy in the real world.
I live in the real world, I'm poor by your standards so are most people round here (deprived ex-industrial region), that extra £500 isn't a joke.
I just checked for a mac Pro form Apple UK, going from a 640 gigabyte to 1 terabyte drive they charge an extra £80...lol, a new terabyte drive costs £80 in toto!
for most folk, they want a shop they can go get buy a system, or get parts/fixes.
yes you can buy online but...for most folk, buying from a real shop is best, as it's easier to send back, get fixes etc ;)
Vue's price has jumped far far too much, it has put off many folk (I read many forums), that is bad.
Elitism kills an app (or system) in the end, user base size is crucial.
Seen many apps and systems shrink or go to the wall because of that silliness. More use = more apps made for it, more word of mouth etc. All very important. :)
Piracy also increases as folk can't afford elitist items, which does no one any good, better more sales for less per unit because the app, or format, who has more users in the end, survives. As an example, see Poser!
poser has vastly more users than many other 3d apps put together, thus there's a vast amount of content for it. This is good, even if the Poser format/system is clunky as hell.
All that content = desire to keep it going.
"Joe Public who's interested in learning computer art", as opposed ot "person who's a naturally giftded artist and hardcore techie" :)
you don't need a PHd do work with Vue! Many folk would like to try digital art, but get put off by unfamiliarity with computers, again, real world here. this isn't much of a concern for younger generations, but for older ones it sure is.
Hey if a MAC is easier for 'em to use and it suits them, brilliant :)
My earlier quote: lower price (you do NOT see local Tescos bulk pricing MACs! As an example.)
3Dneo's reply: **Nor will you and thankful for that too I am. They will never be at a bulk store because that is not their demographic model and they know who their market is very well. It goes back to what myself and others have said, you get what you pay for. It's like comparing a Ferrari to a Chevy.
"demogprahic"...sigh. they are elitist. It maybe works for their business model, but it has nearly destroyed them before.
Apple has a lower use base. note how mass extinctions operate in the natural world...specialist elites get chopped when things go bad...
hey if I was well off I'd love to let you take me along ot an Apple store and sell me on MACs :) but not gonna happen, because money is a huge issue :/
I'd like to try a MAC, but since they dont' work with some of my apps, are so expensive and I have so little money, and I shouldn't be forced ot have a dual boot AND buy another copy of WIndows, it's frustrating :(
And here's a thought:
What is the best weapon in the world? An odd topic that sometimes comes up in debates serious or silly. The answer is: whatever the hell you have in your hand!! because that's the only one you have, thus all the rest are CRAP as they don't count! ;)
the point is that the question is asking: *what is the best tool you currently have?
So it's much better to have a PC you can afford, versus a MAC you cannot.
If money and availability isn't a worry well then perhaps a high end MAC is better.
Perosnally I like the idea of MAC or Linux for security if nothing else.
Thus perhaps the question of this thread originally should have been:
what is the BEST computer for Vue, at certain price brackets? :)
If I win the lotto, I'll send you a message, eh? :D
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