Forum: Community Center

Subject: Repeat OFFENDER?!?!

L8RDAZE opened this issue on Nov 13, 2008 · 77 posts

FutureFantasyDesign posted Wed, 02 September 2009 at 12:58 PM

***Warning! Some of my opinions are not popular!

Recently I have also seen the " sure to visit my gallery..." on some of my posts as well. I maybe understand the thought behind it, and don't really know what protocol is for this particular posting thought.

I have tried a new method to go back and see art that I have missed, altho it isn't working like I thought... I filter the auto 'bots from my gallery favs into a new folder that has only those notices. My intention was to go back when I get free moments and comment on all my favs at once! Didn't work. In 2 days I had over 100 images to back track to! By the end of the week I had over 700!!! And I only fav those very special (*to me) artists and other artists that (*to me) show potential. Not some of the others that are well known, like the general gallery mainstays that always have 60+ comments on the first day of thier posting (*slight exageration to make an example) (*because they perhaps might be relying on friends that comment). I feel honestly that many of these artists always in the top 100 are kept there because of these friends that drop in and always comment no matter what the pic may be. And that is keeping some of these artists with constantly high numbers, where were it not for that, they would be receiving the appx same amount of comments as any other artist here. Recently one of these high ranking artists made a post that no one liked thier work and they were thinking of quiting... well that got over 150 comments. I thought it not really very subtle. I did not comment. My comments go to those whose art moves me in some fashion. Sometimes it isn't everyone. So what can you say?

So often I see art that is so outstanding that only has maybe 0-10 comments, when clearly if compared side be side, excells in imagination, execution or both . THOSE are the ones I want to see & comment on!  Sometimes it is a photo or a fractal, sometimes it is inking, or 2D. But mostly it is new and interesting... it is just good art. Now on the other hand I often comment on new artists learning the program, or with great concepts but struggling with the execution. You see the raw abillity, but the finesse was not quite there yet. I have lots of fav'd pics that are just that. So I like to think I am fair.

As for my art. I know I am better then some, not as good as others.... but I also comprimised myself by whoring after comments. I lost my way and my art suffered. Now I am trying to do art the way I should, for me and my imagination, and style. And when I took up poser it was with every intention of expanding on what I already knew how to do. So my advice, comments are not nearly as important as how you feel about your art inside. That you create for creatings sake, not for others to say a passably sincere "Wow!". If you truly want a critique, write an artist that does simuliar work, or whose style you like or admire. Ask them for an honest assessment on your piece, not to get a comment but to get assistance!  ; )

I don't know if anyone who has posted here knows... I do the art editing for an on-line e-zine. I would love to see everyone's art in it! Novice or expert. But I post and no one responds or submits?! If you are an artist and want to have others see your work in a nuetral setting, feel free to contact me at  You can list your gallery, (*and/or store too!). You can be sen by many and get feed back too. Mostly you can be recognized for your own merit. Think on it...



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Water, the ultimate weapon...