Forum: Carrara

Subject: C3DE Issue 02 released!

Danas_Anis opened this issue on Sep 02, 2009 · 45 posts

Pret-a-3D posted Wed, 02 September 2009 at 9:14 PM

Quote -
 If stuff is presented in a way that will not work on IE it is NOT the fault of IE!

Actually this statement is completely incorrect. There is ton of HTML code that validates perfectly well against the HTML 4 spec and the W3C validator and will not run on IE. Most modern code will not work in IE 6. PNG support is broken in IE 6 and IE 7. CSS 2 support is broken in IE 7. The fact that people spend weeks to write work-arounds for IE for code that is otherwise working out of the box doesn't mean that that IE is working. The browser included in my Nintendo Wii is more compatible with the HTML spec than IE 8!
To say that code that doesn't work in IE is not the fault of IE is simply appalling.
Just do a quick search and you'll see the tons of articles about the very well know, very dramatic bugs of IE. It's the insistence of people to use one of the worst browsers in history that is forcing us developer to spend hundreds of man hours in fixing code that has no problems. 
Insistence in using IE is what is keeping the Web from evolving and use standards that have been defined for years and that have been implemented in Opera, Safari, Firefox for years.

Tw: @preta3d
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