The kind of things you want to edit in Joint Editor are:
- Bulge information, where you can have the "left" and "right" sides of a joint deform a greater or smaller amount than default depending on the direction of the bend
- Falloff type; by default, a joint's deformation is applied in a set of cones, the point of which is at the joint center. The joint deformation is 100% on within the green cone, falling off in the area between the green cone and the red cone, and 0% in the red cone. You can instead set the falloff type to be spherical (or other types in Poser 8), and get completely different deformation applied in different ways. This is good for situations where you have geometry that can't be made to have an isolated bend due to nearby geometry, often at the base of a "limb" (like a ponytail e.g.).
You can also numerically edit things like joint center and inclusion/exclusion zones, but those are imo a lot easier to do visually by dragging elements around in the viewport.
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