Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Blank window. Poser 8

Einzelganger opened this issue on Aug 06, 2009 · 202 posts

LostinSpaceman posted Mon, 07 September 2009 at 3:57 AM

First off, the man asked a question and your first reply to him made explicit use of ALL CAPS.
Now, we all know, that ALL CAPS is counsidered SHOUTING on the internet, so in effect. He asked a question and you replied by screaming in his face. Rude. You wouldn't do it in person, don't do it on the net.

When he called you on it and was miffed that you assumed something that was not true, your lame excuse was that if he had contacted SM first, he would know the answer. He stated he had opened a ticket. IE: He contacted them first. That doesn't mean he got an answer back before coming to the forums to see if there was an answer already here. It just means he did what you assumed he hadn't.

Your response to this was to call him by his post count dismissively and ask him if he needed you to write him a love letter with every reply you made. Again. Rude. Bill, you can throw all the math terminology at me that you want to. I looked up Transitive Closure and it's a math term. It has no meaning when it comes to the use of Synonyms in the english language in their most common usage. You may be a math genius, but you're no english major if you think the use of Synonyms makes my argument false. The very definition of Synonyms is that they CAN be used in place of their synonym counterparts. Every english student learns this in their first year.

Quote -
syn⋅o⋅nym  ***
–noun*** 1. a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, as joyful, elated, glad.

When using a thesarus to find synonyms, it's known that the further into the list you go, the further away from the actual meaning of the original word you get. In my example the very first synonym for both Rude and Terse is Abrupt. This means that those two words are interchangeable with the least amount of discrepency. in your example, you've gone all the way down the list to the seventh meaning of spoil which is destroy and the second to last possible synonym to be used for spoil. Your comparison fails!

All symantics aside, you were rude by shouting and then rude and dismissive when called on it. You think I'm rude for coming to the defense of someone else? Gee, I'm sorry.