Forum: Vue

Subject: Clouds...

chippwalters opened this issue on Sep 17, 2009 · 41 posts

eonite posted Sat, 19 September 2009 at 9:01 AM

 Thanks again, folks! 😄

garyandcatherine: I take this as a compliment 😉

Hey, its not my intention to make people feel like schlubs, or step on someones toe, but rather show some other things that Vue is capable of and we should rather feel happy about it. Also this should not diminish the value of any great products already available for Vue.
The reason why those clouds look the way they look is the result of really hard work (hundreds of hours involved just to figure out how to do it. Not to mention all the time I have spent with Artmatic prior to Vue, where I learned how to deal with a function graph). 

pikachu: Im glad you liked the tutorial on lenticular clouds. As for more tutorials, I really want to complete our project first before engaging on any new tutorials. Also, as Im progressing on the cloud files I`m constantly revising and optimizing the techniques involved, and this will surely be helpful for any future tutorials.

Have a great weekend everyone!